host with intention & joy

Your Hospitality can fund your Passion

I help hosts create unique, ethical, and lucrative short-term rental listings that help support their creative endeavors

When we started our Airbnb in a run-down mobile home on my farm, we hoped it would help us continue working from home, so we could spend time with our children and make our homestead more lucrative. But I had no idea what a life-changing decision I was making.

Our unique approach made our space instantly successful, and we were able to grow our business into the engine that funds our family’s creative lives.

There are lots of people who can help you manage an Airbnb that looks like the other ones, and people who will talk ROIs for hours.

Hosting isn’t just about economics.

I love helping people express their passion through their space. I want to help them figure out how to use what they have to grow their passions. I want them to be able to create short-term rental spaces that don’t feel like ethical or aesthetic compromises. The best businesses are the ones you believe in.


I help hosts at every step of from process, from folks who are Airbnb-Curious, new hosts who want to get on the good foot, hosts who want to make their listing more lucrative, and seasoned hosts looking to make hosting feel more intentional and meaningful.


Are you interested in hosting but not sure how it will fit in with your day-to-day? Are you a creative looking for a more fulfilling side-gig that can help you promote your passion? I can help talk you through the realities of investing your time and money in a short-term rental, and how you can craft it to support what you already love to do.

Supportive coaching

You may have a great spot and you’re eager to start, but are you feeling overwhelmed by your to-do list? Styling, shopping, writing a listing, taking fabulous photos? I can help— from sourcing products (without spending a lot), writing copy, tricks for taking great photos (or hiring a photographer)— I got you! Don’t get hung up on perfection— Let’s get that listing out and into the world!

Cocktail Klatch

Need some sisterly support? Need some cheerleading? Running a small business isn’t easy, especially when you’re scrubbing toilets chasing down plumbing parts. We can talk about how to make management easier and more streamlined, how to ask for (and hire) help when you need it, and talk about how to define success in this market— on your terms.

Talk Therapy

Maybe this relationship hasn’t been all you’d imagined? Are you feeling abandoned? Disrespected? Hosting isn’t living up to your expectations? Does it feel like hard work and no play? If you’re ready for some straight talk, I can review your listing, help you make some needed changes, craft some new strategies, and get you back on the good foot. Let’s grow!

Beautiful Dreamer

Hosting is going well, and you’re happy with your profits, but do you every wonder if you could level up and use your Airbnb to help you only work at what you love? We can talk about ways to add value to your listing by tapping into your creativity and talents. Hosting isn’t just about space— Let’s explore Airbnb Experiences & additional revenue streams— I’ll help you lean into what you love.

Consulting for Existing Airbnb Hosts

Does your Airbnb listing feel under-booked? Would you like to earn more? Or would you like to enjoy hosting more? Curious about how to maximize your earning on Airbnb’s platform? As an 10+ year Super-Host Ambassador with design expertise, I offer in-depth consulting to existing hosts.

If we work together, we’ll do Zoom consults and meet by phone. I’ll share strategies and resources that have helped me maximize the earnings from my space, and we’ll brainstorm ideas that can work for you. As a former English Professor, I can help you rewrite your listing to make it sing. But importantly, I want to help you find a way to use your listing to share what you love with your guests— the best Airbnbs aren’t just investments— they’re gifts, both to the guest and the host. Sharing a space you love makes the experience better for both parties.

Airbnb Curious?

Opening up your space to strangers might feel odd- but for me, it’s been one of the most affirming experiences I’ve ever had. The sharing economy has brought great rewards to my family’s life, both personal and financial. I LOVE hosting, and I am really excited to talk about my experience with potential future hosts! I am passionate about this platform— I think it’s one of the best things wrought by our internet-age.

As a Super-host Ambassador, I can answer any of your questions about hosting on Airbnb, and I can guide you through creating and listing your space. This service is completely free to you if you use my unique sign-up link (Airbnb pays me when you host your first guest.)

Through the Airbnb website and app, I can mentor you through photographing and listing your space, help you edit your description, and host your first guest. It’s all FREE for you— Airbnb pays me for helping you get set up.

We can discuss any of the nuts and bolts you have about starting a listing--pricing strategies, regulations, setting up the space, taking photos, amenities, creating guidebooks, writing reviews-- anything, really. It’s like having an Airbnb big sister who always texts back, answers phone calls, and is happy to Zoom!

If you have a property that you’re nearly ready to list, contact me  and let’s get started!

If you’re Airbnb curious, and not quite ready to jump into writing a listing, contact me directly or set up a consult, and we can talk about what it’s like to host, and how much fun you can have hosting!

but, Sometimes we need more

than just a hand to hold.

That’s when Co-hosting comes in. I co-host a very few select Virginia properties each year.